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Top 5 Ways to Fit in Exercise on a Busy Day!

2 Minute Read

With long busy days in the office and impending deadlines, it’s no wonder why we don’t make time to schedule in the recommended 30 minutes of physical activity into our day. The following are just 5 simple ways you can get the daily physical activity intake without having to make extra time. If you want a more indepth review, check out our webinar, “fitness hacks for the busy professional”.


Start with your Commute 

If possible turn your usual bus ride or car ride into a fast walk, jog or bicycle ride to work. This way you turn your commute into a workout. Don’t forget to dress for the weather.



Climb your way to Better Health

Take the stairs instead of the elevator, it saves you time during the rush hour when the elevators busy, and it helps you burn lots of calories. Climbing the stairs is a great time sensitive, equipment free aerobic exercise, that helps get the heart rate up and tones the muscles in your legs. To make this even more challenging, run up and down the stairs, this will make the activity more vigorous and ideal for any workout. Stair climbing is also great for improving your energy, leads to a stronger immune system and lowers your risk for diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.


Stand Up at Work

Take a break from sitting at your desk for long hours and try to stand up occasionally. Better yet, walk around the office, and try having “walking meetings” whenever possible. These small changes make a huge difference when it comes to one’s susceptibility to a disease. It’s also a bonus, as it burns more calories, and boost energy, resulting in more productive and engaged workers.


Take the Time to Stretch

Taking out a few minutes throughout the day to stretch at your desk is easy to do and rakes in many benefits. Not only is it great for releasing soreness and tension in the body, and increasing flexibility. It also boosts energy and alertness. This increase in energy more than makes up for the few minutes taken out throughout the day. If you want to hear more on stretching, take a look at a webinar we did with Dr. Kleinberg,the president of Kleinberg Corporate Wellness and chiropractor, who joined us to shed light on workplace posture and movement. We discuss the importance of proper posture and body alignment for wellness, and strategies to set up your workplace for success, so be sure to have a look!


Workout at your Desk

One of the simplest things to do, is workout right from your desk. There are numerous activities you can do from your desk, even very subtle ones, like ab crunching, that leads to a stronger core. In addition to getting healthier, you also end up getting in a workout while getting your work done. Workouts that can lead to better health and mood make for better engagement and productivity at work.


At Optimity we can help make this easier, Optimity's technology platform is scientifically supported. We help the average worker take productive 30 second to 2-minute micro-breaks that have long lasting beneficial impact. These micro-habits boosts their mood, helps them focus and encourage social connectedness to their culture. Our pocket coach is also customized to each employee.

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