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5 Ways to Change your Thinking and Be More Positive

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It’s normal to have a little bit of stress in our everyday life, especially if it’s the kind to help motivate us to get the work done. However, the issue arises when we let constant stress overcome us and take control of our mood, thinking and perspective. Negative thoughts and stress come hand and hand, so it’s clear that eliminating one, diminishes the other. As a wellness advisor, I help create content that is easy and quick to use during workdays in order to help promote positive growth, and see change that help with long term health outcomes. The following 5 ways are simple tips that can be implemented to encourage positive thinking in both your daily and work life.



Ever heard of the common phrase, “fake it till you make it”, this works the same way for smiling. Smiling is known to be a powerful tool, research suggests that when one smiles, feedback is sent from the face to the left frontal cortex, which releases two neurotransmitters: serotonin and dopamine into the brain. These hormones are known as the happy hormone. These chemicals are what helps improve one’s mood. This also applies when we smile at someone, when we smile at somebody, they automatically smile back, and that smile will trigger corresponding feelings, which results in positive emotional changes in the brain, bringing about overall positive feelings, which improves mood and reduces stress.  

Change your mindset


It’s easy to dwell on situations that didn’t occur the way we wanted them to, but these negative emotions and thoughts only bring us down. It’s important to think objectively and more rationale. Don’t lock down negative situations as a concrete failure, by starting to think about certain setbacks as possible growing opportunities, or feedback is known as a “positive feedback response”. Positive thinking, doesn’t ignore the situation in its entirety, it’s just a matter of approaching the situation from a positive and realistic mindset. This positive approach helps eliminate stressful situations which result in overall better health.

Set Clear Goals


Setting clear and concise goals helps us become lastingly happier and more successful. This is because when you have measurable goals in mind, it takes us down a particular, focused path, where we feel more motivated to fulfill the required objectives to meet those goals. When achieving the goal in itself will help promote happiness due to the success of the completion.

Surround Yourself with Positive People


Surround  yourself with people who will uplift and encourage you. These people provide supportive and positive feedback that help shape your positive mindset. They can be anyone from, friends, family, or coworkers. In the workplace, positive people are those who have the determination to achieve their  goals. They are the most productive of the group, and don’t stray away from their schedules. Being around people like that helps you create and achieve meaning in the things that you set out to do. They also double as a social support group, which would help you cope with any stressors you may have, leading to less stress and better overall health. Check out this blog to learn more tips on how to engage and connect more authentically with people.



Exercise is a multifaceted activity that has numerous benefits on an individuals physical health. Exercise is also shown to have tremendous positive impact on an individuals mental health. Those who exercise, regardless of what fitness level or age, exercise is proven to boost brain function, improve mood, and memory as well as  help relieve stress, and help individuals sleep better. Exercise helps increase the release of norepinephrine hormone, which helps manage any mental or physical stress. Check out this helpful webinar on helpful shortcuts for getting in a quick workout on a busy workday without wasting hours at the gym.

As an employer it’s essential to provide employees with the tools and resources they need to flourish and succeed in the workplace. The easiest way to improve an employee's positive mindset is to start by showing them that you care.

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At Optimity we can help make this easier, Optimity's technology platform is scientifically supported. We help the average worker take productive 30 second to 2-minute micro-breaks that have long lasting beneficial impact. These micro-habits boosts their mood, by providing them with a variety of activities for different health and wellness topics. The app also helps encourage social connectedness, through the team challenges which supports the organization's culture for teamwork.

Want to know more about how we can help you implement a personalized coaching program in your company? Reach out to us at and lets have a chat.